Entries by Lucia Sears

Woman Around Town

In fitness, as in all aspects of your life, if you love what you do, success will follow! I was honored to be interviewed by “Woman Around Town!” Happy Reading! http://www.womanaroundtown.com/locations/new-york/my-career-choice-cindy-whitmarsh-fitness-expert

Cindy Whitmarsh Ultrafit DVD Series!!

HEY FRIENDS AND FOLLOWERS! First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you who has been so supportive during this rough patch! Your thoughts and concerns have made this time that much more bearable! On the business side, we have been getting SO MANY orders and we appreciate your patience in […]

Bored or Tired of Your Workouts? Try This!

MY FAVORITE MOVE EVER: STEP 360 SHIMMY BURPEE, FROM CINDY WHITMARSH Published on February 05, 2014 by Lorie Parch. If you hate to exercise the last thing you want to do are exercises that are 1) boring and 2) don’t really do much for you.  That’s why we’re asking some top trainers and coaches to share their absolute […]

Cindy’s 2014 Healthy Tips!

1.   Scan your body– You would think that getting an yearly check up is a no brainer right?  Not so much!  We all need yearly checkups no matter what your age!  Women, get your mammograms!  Men need to do their part too!  Turn your head and cough!  Ha Ha! JK!  We should know our cholesterol levels and blood pressure too!  Let’s get on it!  It’s […]

Cindy’s Best Preggo Tips Ever!

1.  Where you overweight before you got pregnant and are scared of weight gain? Please don’t worry!  You can do this!  The most important thing if you are in this situation is to not be out of control with your food. Its even more important for you to workout throughout your pregnancy!  This is not […]

Cindy’s Nutrition and Fitness Myths Answered!

Nutrition/Fitness Myths Answered! I talk to clients every day who ask me, can I eat this, can I do that and still lose weight? I love the questions! Makes my job so much fun to do but I totally get that there is so much information out there and I totally get that it gets […]

Cindy’s Favorite Upper Thigh and Lower Ab Exercises

I get questions all the time regarding lower abdominal and upper thigh exercises, so I decided to share some of my absolute favorites! I feel like these are totally normal questions and issues for women! Ok, here we go!  First of all, nutrition is the key to every body part issue!  If your diet isn’t great […]

Cindy’s Top Fast Food Restaurants in San Diego

I have 3 kids.  Jaden 13, Kendall 9, and Gavin 1.5 years old!  My husband works for Fox and the Padres as a game analyst on air so he is gone almost every day!  We are crazy busy and sometimes have to eat out in a hurry, but we still maintain a healthy lifestyle.  My […]